Emirates Red Crescent to Offer Daily Iftar Meals at Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Solo

SOLO, Indonesia (March 10, 2024) - Muslims observing Ramadan in Solo, Indonesia, will receive a welcome boost this year thanks to a generous initiative by the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC). The ERC has pledged to distribute 10,000 Iftar meals daily throughout the holy month at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, a cornerstone of the city's Islamic community.

Ramadan is a sacred period for Muslims, marked by fasting from dawn to dusk. Iftar meals, shared after sunset to break the fast, become a central feature of daily life during this time. The ERC's program ensures that worshippers at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque will have access to nutritious and delicious meals to end their daily fast.

This act of charity extends far beyond simply providing sustenance. It embodies the spirit of Ramadan, a time for compassion, community, and giving back to those in need. The ERC's efforts will undoubtedly foster a sense of solidarity among Muslims in Solo, both within the mosque and throughout the city.

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque itself holds a special place in Indonesia. Named after the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founder of the United Arab Emirates, the mosque is a symbol of the strong cultural and religious ties between Indonesia and the UAE. The ERC's decision to distribute Iftar meals there underscores these ties and serves as a powerful gesture of goodwill.

The initiative is also a testament to the ERC's unwavering commitment to fighting hunger around the world. The organization has a long history of providing humanitarian aid during times of crisis and supporting vulnerable communities. By ensuring access to food for Muslims observing Ramadan in Solo, the ERC is upholding its mission to alleviate hunger and promote social well-being on a global scale.

News of the ERC's Ramadan program has been met with gratitude from local residents and religious leaders in Solo. The initiative is a beacon of hope, particularly for those who may be struggling financially during this holy month. With the support of the ERC, Muslims in Solo can focus on their spiritual observances and celebrate Ramadan with a sense of community and togetherness.

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