Abu Dhabi Seeks Moroccan Collaboration

In a meeting held on May 1st, 2024, in Rabat, Morocco, Shaikh Al Mahfoudh bin Bayyah, the Secretary-General of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, conferred with Ghita Mezzour, the Moroccan Delegate-Minister in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform. The central theme of their discussion was fostering collaboration on promoting ethical principles in the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The meeting underscored the significance of fostering international cooperation to broaden research efforts. This research would delve into the current and anticipated societal effects of AI. Shaikh Al Mahfoudh highlighted the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace's pioneering role in establishing the first-ever AI and Civil Society Committee, launched in London last December. This committee serves as a platform to explore the critical role of ethics and governance in the responsible development of AI.

The discussions emphasized the importance of drawing upon universal human values to steer scientific advancements in AI. This ethical framework would ensure that AI becomes a tool that upholds human dignity, fosters peace, and contributes to a better way of life. Both parties acknowledged the potential of AI to revolutionize various sectors, and they expressed a shared commitment to ensuring this technological progress serves the greater good.

The meeting comes at a time when AI is rapidly transforming numerous aspects of human life. From healthcare and education to finance and transportation, AI is making significant inroads. While this technological leap offers immense potential for positive change, concerns regarding the ethical implications of AI are also on the rise.

One key concern is the potential for bias in AI algorithms, which can lead to discriminatory outcomes. Additionally, the increasing automation of tasks through AI has raised fears about job displacement. The question of who is responsible for AI-related decisions and potential harms is another crucial aspect that needs to be addressed.

The Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace's initiative to collaborate with Morocco on AI ethics reflects a growing international consensus on the need for proactive measures to address these concerns. By establishing ethical guidelines and fostering open dialogue, stakeholders can work together to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a responsible and beneficial manner.

The collaboration between the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace and Morocco is a significant step towards building a future where AI serves as a force for positive change and global progress.

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