Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Performs Pioneering Heart Transplant

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (CCAD) has achieved a significant milestone in the UAE's healthcare landscape with the successful completion of a complex heart transplant on a young Emirati man. The 28-year-old patient, Muhammad Al Ketbi, battled heart disease for over a decade, culminating in multi-organ failure.

Muhammad's journey to recovery began with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), a life-support technology that acts as an external heart and lung. However, his condition necessitated a more permanent solution. CCAD's multidisciplinary team placed him on a biventricular assist device (BiVAD), essentially two pumps supporting both ventricles of his heart. For four crucial months, the BiVAD kept Muhammad stable while the team awaited a suitable donor organ.

The surgery itself was a testament to CCAD's expertise. The complex procedure involved transplanting a healthy heart into Muhammad's chest, replacing his diseased organ. This intervention represents a landmark case in the UAE's medical history, being the first instance where a patient has undergone all three stages of treatment:ECMO support, BiVAD assistance, and ultimately, a heart transplant.

The success of this case underscores CCAD's unwavering commitment to personalized care. Muhammad's treatment plan was meticulously tailored to his unique needs, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and a highly-skilled medical team. This approach reflects CCAD's designation as a Centre of Excellence (COE) for adult cardiac surgery by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi.

Muhammad's successful transplant offers a beacon of hope for countless Emirati patients struggling with heart failure. CCAD's emergence as a leader in advanced heart transplant procedures signifies a significant leap forward in the UAE's ability to provide life-saving cardiac care to its citizens. The future for Emirati patients with heart disease appears considerably brighter, thanks to the pioneering efforts of CCAD and its dedicated medical professionals.

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