New Phase Strengthens Support Systems for People of Determination in Egypt

The Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination (ZHO), in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports, has announced the launch of the second phase of the "Bridges of Hope" program. This initiative aims to significantly improve the lives of people of determination in Egypt by rehabilitating and developing 60 centers dedicated to their needs.

"Bridges of Hope" is built on the foundation of inclusivity and empowerment. The program focuses on enhancing accessibility and functionality within these centers, particularly in rural areas where resources might be limited. This targeted approach ensures that people of determination across the country can benefit from quality support services.

The first phase of the program yielded impressive results. Within a year and a half, 68 speech therapy centers were successfully established across 27 Egyptian provinces. This accomplishment surpassed initial projections, which estimated a three-year timeframe for completion. As a result, 16, 898 individuals received crucial speech therapy services through a staggering 480, 976 sessions.

The momentum from this initial success is propelling the second phase forward. The upcoming stage will prioritize making these centers more user-friendly and accessible for people of determination. This includes infrastructure modifications to accommodate various disabilities, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all.

The program extends beyond physical upgrades. Recognizing the growing importance of digital resources, "Bridges of Hope" will equip these centers with reliable internet access. This connectivity will open doors to a world of educational tools, communication platforms, and opportunities for social interaction.

The "Bridges of Hope" program is a powerful testament to the unwavering commitment of ZHO and its partners towards creating a more inclusive future for people of determination in Egypt. By investing in infrastructure, resources, and accessibility, this initiative is fostering an environment that empowers individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential and actively participate in their communities.

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