Abdullah bin Zayed Joins Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Russia

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) Minister of Foreign Affairs, marked a historic moment by participating in the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. This signifies the UAE's first official engagement with the influential emerging economies bloc since its expansion earlier this year.

Russia, serving as the 2024 BRICS chair, presided over the meeting. The UAE's participation underscores its belief in the growing importance of coordinated global efforts and robust multilateral cooperation in tackling pressing global challenges and paving the way for a more prosperous future for all nations.

Sheikh Abdullah expressed his appreciation to the Russian Federation for its successful organization and warm hospitality. He acknowledged the significant efforts undertaken by the Russian leadership throughout the year to strengthen BRICS' contributions and advance its strategic goals and aspirations.

Emphasizing the significance of the UAE's inclusion, Sheikh Abdullah stated, "It is a great privilege to represent the UAE for the first time within BRICS. I am confident that the UAE's membership will mark a pivotal milestone in the group's journey and serve as a further impetus to solidify bilateral relations among member states. "

Security and economic cooperation dominated the two-day meeting's agenda. The discussions addressed various areas of mutual interest, including global food security concerns exacerbated by the ongoing geopolitical tensions, fostering sustainable development, and navigating the complexities of the changing global energy landscape.

The UAE's participation in the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting is a strategic move that positions the nation at the forefront of international discussions on critical global issues. This engagement allows the UAE to contribute its unique perspective and expertise on matters of energy security, climate change, and technological innovation, all areas where the UAE has emerged as a global leader.

As a significant economic and trade hub, the UAE brings a dynamic dimension to the BRICS table. Its robust infrastructure, advanced logistics network, and commitment to innovation position it as a valuable partner for fostering economic collaboration and propelling sustainable growth within the bloc.

The UAE's inclusion in BRICS is expected to generate new avenues for cooperation across diverse sectors, potentially leading to joint ventures, knowledge sharing, and increased trade and investment flows between the member states. This expanded partnership holds promise for fostering a more inclusive and resilient global economic architecture.

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