China's Tourism Sees Massive Growth in 2024

China's inbound tourism sector has witnessed a remarkable surge in 2024, with the first half of the year recording over 4.36 million inbound tourist arrivals, marking a 5.4-fold increase compared to the previous year. This substantial growth highlights the country's successful efforts to revive its tourism industry post-pandemic.

Key factors driving this increase include the easing of travel restrictions, the resumption of international flights, and improved visa policies. The National Immigration Administration (NIA) reported that 1.98 million foreigners benefited from visa-free entry into China during the first quarter of 2024, which represents a 266% year-on-year rise. The majority of these tourists hailed from countries like Singapore and Thailand, which are part of the visa exemption policy.

Tourism hotspots across China, including major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, have seen significant growth in foreign tourist numbers. Shanghai alone reported approximately 16.24 million tourist visits during the May Day holiday, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 3.77%.

Cultural attractions, high-quality life experiences, and new travel projects such as helicopter tours in Sanya have been major draws for inbound tourists. According to a report by the China Tourism Academy, experiencing Chinese culture remains a top priority for more than 60% of surveyed tourists, underscoring the appeal of China’s rich cultural heritage.

The positive momentum in China's inbound tourism is expected to continue throughout the year, with projections indicating that the sector could recover to 80% of its pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2024. This optimistic outlook is supported by the continuous promotion of tourist destinations, enhanced entry conveniences, and an improved tourism supply chain.

With the tourism industry showing signs of robust recovery, China remains a key destination for global travelers seeking diverse and enriching experiences.

This resurgence not only reflects China's strategic efforts to boost its tourism industry but also signifies the country's growing importance as a global travel hub. As the year progresses, the focus will remain on sustaining this growth and further enhancing the travel experience for inbound tourists.

- [China Daily](
- [Xinhua News](
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