Kuwait Sizzles Under Extreme Heatwave

Kuwait braced for an intense heatwave over the weekend as temperatures soared to a scorching 52 to 53 degrees Celsius. The Kuwait Meteorological Center issued a stern warning about the impending heatwave, advising residents to take necessary precautions to protect themselves from the extreme heat.

According to the center's director-general, Abulaziz Al-Qarawi, the country has been experiencing unusually hot northwesterly winds, which have triggered dust storms and reduced visibility, especially in rural areas. The combination of high temperatures and dusty conditions created a challenging environment for residents.

The heatwave was expected to peak on Friday and Saturday, with temperatures reaching the highest levels during the day. However, even at night, the mercury remained elevated, providing little respite from the heat. The authorities urged people to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid strenuous activities.

Health officials expressed concerns about the potential health risks associated with extreme heat, such as heatstroke and dehydration. Hospitals and clinics were placed on high alert to respond to any heat-related emergencies.

The scorching temperatures also impacted outdoor activities and events. Many people opted to stay indoors, while those who ventured outside took necessary precautions, such as wearing hats and sunglasses and applying sunscreen. Schools and businesses adjusted their schedules to accommodate the extreme heat.

Meteorologists predicted that the heatwave would gradually subside in the coming days, but temperatures would remain above normal for the time of year. The authorities continued to monitor the situation and issued regular updates on weather conditions.

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