Saudi Arabia Second Best for Expats

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia has climbed to the second spot on the list of best countries for expatriates, a significant leap from its 14th position last year, according to a recent survey. The kingdom was outperformed only by Denmark in the Working Abroad Index, with over half of respondents expressing satisfaction with the local job market.

The survey highlighted Saudi Arabia’s remarkable progress in career prospects, surpassing even the United States and the United Arab Emirates. A substantial majority of expats reported improved career opportunities since moving to the kingdom, while optimism about personal career prospects also surged.

Furthermore, the kingdom secured the second position in the salary and job security subcategory, underscoring its growing appeal as a destination for professionals seeking stability and financial rewards. The strong performance in this area reflects the nation’s robust economic growth and expanding job market.

Expats in Saudi Arabia also expressed high satisfaction with the local economy, with a vast majority reporting contentment with its current state. This positive sentiment is likely driven by the kingdom’s ambitious Vision 2030 initiative, which aims to diversify the economy and create new opportunities.

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