Sharjah Institute Highlights Heritage at Morocco Conference

The Sharjah Institute for Heritage (SIH) successfully concluded its participation in the “Heritage and Culture” conference held in Morocco from July 25 to 26. This event, aimed at fostering cultural exchange and highlighting the preservation of heritage, brought together various international entities and cultural experts.

Dr. Abdulaziz Al Musallam, Chairman of SIH, emphasized the institute's commitment to cultural dialogue and the exchange of heritage practices. During the conference, the SIH showcased several projects and initiatives aimed at preserving and promoting Emirati heritage, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the face of modern challenges.

The conference featured numerous presentations and panel discussions focusing on the significance of cultural heritage in contemporary society. The SIH delegation participated actively, sharing insights on their successful heritage conservation projects and the impact of these initiatives on community engagement and cultural identity.

A highlight of the SIH's participation was the presentation on their digital archiving project, which aims to document and preserve traditional Emirati crafts and oral histories. This initiative received considerable interest from attendees, who recognized the importance of digital preservation in maintaining cultural heritage for future generations.

Additionally, the SIH delegation engaged with other cultural institutions from around the world, exploring potential collaborations and exchange programs. These interactions are expected to foster greater international cooperation in heritage preservation and cultural promotion.

Dr. Al Musallam also met with representatives from UNESCO and other international heritage organizations to discuss strategies for enhancing global efforts in heritage conservation. The discussions underscored the necessity of collaborative efforts in addressing the challenges posed by globalization and technological advancements to cultural heritage.

The participation of the SIH in the Morocco conference not only highlighted the rich cultural heritage of Sharjah and the UAE but also underscored the institute's role as a leader in heritage preservation on an international stage. The event provided a platform for the SIH to share its experiences and learn from the best practices of other countries, thereby contributing to the global dialogue on heritage and culture.

The Sharjah Institute for Heritage continues to play a pivotal role in promoting and preserving cultural heritage through its various initiatives and international collaborations. The institute's involvement in events like the “Heritage and Culture” conference in Morocco is a testament to its dedication to cultural preservation and its commitment to fostering international cultural exchange.
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