Saudi Ministry Finds Over 21,000 Violations in Latest Inspections

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior has identified 21,769 violations during its latest inspection campaign aimed at cracking down on residency, work, and border security infractions. This effort underscores the government’s commitment to upholding legal standards and ensuring the safety and security of the Kingdom.

The violations were discovered through rigorous inspections conducted over a week-long period, primarily focusing on unauthorized residency, labor law breaches, and border security violations. The campaign revealed a significant number of cases, including 13,781 instances of residency violations, 4,934 labor law infringements, and 3,054 border security breaches.

Authorities detained over 2,000 individuals attempting to cross the border illegally, with the majority being from neighboring countries. Furthermore, the crackdown led to the arrest of 50 people involved in facilitating these illegal activities, such as providing transportation or shelter to violators.

The Ministry emphasized that aiding illegal activities, whether through providing shelter or employment, is a severe crime in Saudi Arabia. Offenders face harsh penalties, including up to 15 years in prison, fines up to SR1 million, and confiscation of vehicles or properties used in the commission of these crimes.

This extensive operation also led to procedural actions against over 44,000 expatriates. Of these, a substantial number are currently undergoing processes to regularize their status or are awaiting deportation. The Ministry has urged the public to report any suspicious activities, stressing the importance of community involvement in maintaining national security.

The Ministry of Interior's recent campaign highlights the Saudi government's robust approach to enforcing its laws and ensuring the stability and safety of the Kingdom. By addressing these violations head-on, the authorities aim to deter illegal activities and uphold the integrity of the nation.

For further information, refer to Gulf News and Gulf Press.
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