Baku Initiative to Elevate Global Climate Transparency Launched by COP29

The COP29 Presidency is set to unveil a groundbreaking initiative, the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP), during the High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on September 3. This platform, announced by the COP29 President-Designate, Mukhtar Babayev, is designed to enhance global collaboration on climate transparency and support the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement.

The BTP aims to assist countries, especially developing nations, in preparing their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and fulfilling their obligations under the ETF. The platform is expected to complement existing transparency initiatives and address capacity-building needs by providing technical support and fostering knowledge exchange among Parties.

As part of the launch, the COP29 Presidency has emphasized the importance of universal participation and has encouraged all stakeholders, including civil society and marginalized groups, to engage in the transparency process. The platform's development will be ongoing, with the COP29 Presidency actively seeking feedback from Parties to refine its functions and ensure it meets the needs of all participants.

This initiative marks a significant step in strengthening the global climate transparency regime and underscores the COP29 Presidency's commitment to ensuring the successful implementation of the Paris Agreement's transparency requirements.
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